Produk & Layanan

Fund Relief Products

Productive Loan

Bank Artha Graha Internasional provides a variety of financing facilities as a partner to support the success of your business...

Consumer Loans

Take advantage of the various consumer credit facilities from Bank Artha Graha Internasional, including a range of mortgage options and...

Other Loans Facilities

The extensive range of services offered by Bank Artha Graha Internasional, both domestically and internationally, makes it the right partner...

Suku Bunga Dasar Kredit (SBDK)

Transparansi dan publikasi Suku Bunga Dasar Kredit (SBDK) untuk meningkatkan keterbandingan, edukasi, perlindungan konsumen, dan transmisi kebijakan moneter.





Funding Products

Artha Merchant Saving

Supporting businesses to manage transactions more easily. Artha Merchant Savings with QRIS is the right choice

Pintar Savings

Start saving regularly every month from now on, Smart Savings is a smart solution for planning your future.

Demand Deposit

Bank Artha Graha Internasional’s checking account for the convenience of your business transactions

Artha Savings

Manage your funds for daily transactions with Artha Savings and enjoy various banking facilities that you need.

Wira Savings

Providing more than transaction flexibility, Wira Savings also offers deposit-like interest rates to optimize the growth of your funds

Time Deposit

Invest your funds with a maturity date and competitive interest rates. Time deposits provide optimal returns on the placement of...





E-Banking Products

Privacy Policy for agi Digital Apps

Protecting your information is our top priority in building trust with all our customers and website visitors.

agi Digital Apps

agi is a digital app that not only helps you with transactions but also makes your life more meaningful

Retail Internet Banking

Layanan perbankan berbasis website yang dapat Anda akses melalui browser Anda.

Internet Banking Business

A web-based banking service for corporate customers, offering a variety of conveniences in banking services.

Virtual Account and Billing System

Service that offers a solution for reconciling bill payments from your customers, easily accessible through Corporate Internet Banking, allowing transactions...

Payroll Feature

Services that solve your needs for fast, precise, and easy employee salary payments through Corporate Internet Banking, so that transactions...